Start your day with a boost of nutritious energy.
The best way to start your day is to drink a bottle of My Power Drink. It will give you energy for your day and improve your overall health. Drinking My Power Drink will be the most nutritious food you will consume for the entire day!
When my wife was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer 11 years ago I wanted to know what could help someone with cancer. My research revealed that the best thing you could do was to strengthen the immune system. Eating a variety of healthy foods and detox supplements will strengthen the immune system. That was how My Power Drink was created. My wife feels good and has never had the typical side effects of all the cancer meds.
My Power Drink has 20 ingredients and it tastes great! It has four superfoods. A superfood is one that has a high concentration of nutrients and /or one that has extraordinary benefits for your body. The superfoods are beets, kale, acai, and wheat grass. Here are some of the benefits from eating these superfoods:
Detoxifier; strengthens immune system; good for circulation, energy, exercise, heart and brain.
Powerful antioxidant, vitamin C and K, minerals; good for heart, immune system, cell health (anti-cancer), detoxifying, eyes, brain, and heart.
Wheat Grass
Good detoxifier, strengthens immune system, nutrient dense, anti-microbial, strengthens cell health (anti-cancer); good for heart, energy, muscles, exercise, mood and joints.
Nutrient dense, super anti-oxidant (anti-cancer); good for energy, brain, heart, weight loss; strengthens immune system, anti-aging. Some benefits to be gained from drinking My Power Drink: Detoxifies the blood; strengthens the immune system; gives you sustained energy; good for your mood; good for your brain, heart, muscles, cardio, arthritis, pre and post workout, keeps cells strong and healthy (good for cancer prevention).
Some benefits from the other 14 ingredients: You can google them for a list of additional benefits. Bananas: energy, exercise. Apples: heart, energy. Carrots: eyes, brain. Almonds: heart, brain. Walnuts: brain, gut. Pomegranate juice: heart, brain. Concord grape juice: Cell health, heart. Tart Cherry Juice: arthritis, exercise. Flax Seeds: gut, arthritis. Turmeric: anti-inflammatory, brain. Milk thistle: detoxifier, cell health. Dandelion Root: detoxifier, cell health. Astragalus Root: immune system, aging. Vitamin C: immune system, heart. Vitamin D3: immune system, muscles. Reishi Mushrooms: immune support, cell health.
My Power Drink is Great for Weight Lifting as a Pre or Post Workout Drink!
Some other benefits to be gained from drinking My Power Drink: Detoxifies the blood; strengthens the immune system; gives you sustained energy; good for your mood; good for your brain, heart, muscles, cardio, pre and post workout.
I recommend drinking My Power Drink once a day for two weeks to detoxify the blood and improve your overall health. You will also experience how good it will make you feel.
To maintain a healthy body I recommend drinking three or four per week thereafter.
If you want to lose weight you can substitute My Power Drink for a meal.
How is it made?
I buy the beets, carrots and kale from organic farms or farmers markets. I grow the wheat grass at home using organic compost. I juice the wheat grass and freeze in ice cube trays. I place all the fruits, vegetables, nuts, wheat grass and herbal supplements into a large blender. I pour into bottles and freeze them. You can’t get any fresher!
I added Michael and Andrea’s Power Drinks to my diet in April of 2023.
Over this past year, I have experienced lower cholesterol, a significant reduction in inflammation and arthritis pain and improvement in bone loss due to osteoporosis.
I am buying fewer supplements since the Power Drinks contain many important vitamins and minerals.
I highly recommend this product. It is delicious and provides many health benefits.
Deborah Hrdlicka
Derby Line, VT
I love My Power Drink in the early afternoon, when I come upon a tired and sluggish time. Normally I would have to take a nap! All it takes is one ‘Power Drink’ and my strength returns and I feel boosted and ready to get back in the game! Thanks for giving me back my afternoon. Gotta love “My Power Drink”
I drink one of My Power Drinks daily and have had no side effects from my cancer medications. The drink tastes great and is so nutritious that I get a boost similar to coffee after drinking it. It has really helped me feel better during this difficult time in my life.
I have been drinking My Power Drink almost everyday for years. I have more energy as soon as I drink it and throughout the day. It keeps me in a good mood. I don’t suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) anymore in the winter. It is great for pre and post workout. It has helped my arthritis in my knees.